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Hon. Umar Faruq's 2021 Highlights.

My 2021 Highlights I have contributed in many ways during last year which are as follows: I serves as the Africa Ambassador MUN Impact also I serve as a member of American Mathematical Society Mathematical Association of America I serve as an honorable representing my chapter Federation of Iwoland Students' Union, National Headquarters also I serve as the sports director at the chapter level. . I also serve as the Assistant secretary for Pure And Applied Muslim Students Association LAUTECH chapter. Also during the LAUTECH students union crisis which also affected my department, I represented NAMSSN LAUTECH chapter at the National level, in which I represented them well. During the year also I was able to receive two awards in mathematics from Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, I also received an award as the Literary Lieutenant in writing from India. I serve as delegate representing Nigeria International Global Network. I attend Many conference that deals about climate change, mathematics, leadership, parliamentary and many more. Among the conference are, Global Youth Climatic Summit, International Youth Leadership Summit, California Youth Leadership Summit, Algebraic Conference, Matlab and Latex organized by Akal University, India and others. I participated in environmental sanitation, humanitarian, education. And we have successfully done many projects with my groups which are building of an eye clinic in Ogbomosho ajilete state hospital and many more projects which have been successful. And also I agitated during the zoning of federal colleges of education, institute of information and communication technology and many more which is still on underground. I build many people in sports and training them in preparation for a professional league which is yet to be announced. I tried my possible best in providing assistance to those who needs it. And may Almighty Allah continue to provide for us during this year as we are ready to make impact again. We are here to make the positive changes to the world and we are the changes we want to see. Thanks

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